Register for myHBF

We can help you manage your cover online.

A step-by-step guide

New to HBF? Follow these 4 simple steps to register for myHBF today.

Video: How to register for myHBF

How to register for myHBF

Step 1. Click Register

Visit and select the ‘Register’ link from the top right-hand side.

Step 2. Create your account

Enter your member number, name, date of birth and email address to complete the registration form. Ensure your details match those listed on your policy.

Step 3. Verify your details

To activate your myHBF account, check your email inbox and open the verification email from HBF. Click on the 'Confirm registration' button to proceed.

Step 4. Create a new password

Follow the prompts to create a new password in myHBF. The password must be at least 8 characters long, include one number, and a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters.

Once you’ve accepted the terms and conditions, your registration is complete. You can now log in to myHBF with your member number and password you’ve just created.

For more information on how to create a secure password see our password tips article.

How to login to myHBF

Step 1. Login to myHBF

Visit and select the ‘Login’ link from the top right-hand side.

Step 2. Enter login details

Enter your member number and password you used to register for myHBF and select ‘Log in to myHBF’.

If you have any trouble logging in, you can easily reset your myHBF password.