2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms and Conditions for Volunteers

1 In these Terms and Conditions, “You” means the person named as a volunteer in the online registration system for the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Event (Event). For volunteers under 18 years of age, You also refers to any parent or guardian who complies with the requirements in paragraph 3.

2 You are not eligible to volunteer at the Event unless you will be 18 years of age or older on the day of the Event.

3 If You are 16 or 17 years of age on the day of the Event, you may volunteer in the company of a parent or guardian provided the parent or guardian accepts the Terms and Conditions for You by inserting their initials in the box next to the statement “I have read, understand and agree to the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms & Conditions for Volunteers on behalf of my child” in the online registration system.

4 You warrant and represent to HBF Health Limited (ACN 126 884 786) (HBF) and The Event Team (WA) Pty Ltd (ACN 628 165 435) (The Event Team) that: (a) You satisfy the eligibility to volunteer requirements set out in paragraph 2;

(b) If the part of the registration application described in paragraph 3 is blank, You will be 18 years of age or older on the day of the Event;

(c) You have read and understand these Terms and Conditions; and

(d) You have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

5 You accept that The Event Team and HBF have the sole discretion in accepting or rejecting your application to volunteer, and this discretion may be exercised on any basis, including where the required number of volunteers has been reached. Any decision of The Event Team or HBF in accepting or rejecting an applicant is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

6 You agree to use reasonable endeavours to complete the volunteer briefing sessions conducted by The Event Team and HBF prior to the Event. Dates and details of these briefing sessions will be emailed to You. If You are unable to attend one of these sessions, The Event Team will email You the briefing information prior to the Event.

7 You must act in accordance with the role description assigned to you by The Event Team and in accordance with any directions given to You by HBF or The Event Team.

8 You must act in good faith, to the best of your abilities, in the spirit of the Event and in a proper, appropriate and professional manner with all due skill, care and diligence. This includes (without limitation) upholding the good reputation of the Event (and HBF and The Event Team), being unimpaired by alcohol or drugs and not acting offensively, aggressively, in breach of any laws or in a way that is otherwise inappropriate. You must also follow all instructions from HBF or The Event Team. If HBF or The Event Team considers that You have breached this clause, they may direct You to cease all involvement with the Event immediately and You must comply.

9 You are volunteering for no fee or remuneration.

10 You are volunteering at your own risk and:

(a) You acknowledge that volunteering may involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including over exertion, dehydration, and accidents; and

(b) You warrant that You are physically fit to volunteer and that You have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical practitioner.

11 To the extent permitted by law, You release HBF, The Event Team, the Event sponsors and each of their representatives, officers, agents, affiliates, employees, members, promoters and all participants in the Event and any other person or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event (the Indemnified Persons) from all or any liability, claims, demands, or proceedings (Claims) arising out of or in connection with your role and/or performance of tasks (or failure to perform tasks or to perform tasks adequately) as a volunteer in the Event, and You indemnify the Indemnified Persons and will keep the Indemnified Persons indemnified in respect of any Claims for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your role and/or performance of tasks (or failure to perform tasks or to perform tasks adequately) as a volunteer in the Event, to the extent that:

(a) You acted other than in good faith;

(b) You knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that at the relevant time You were acting:

(i) outside the scope of the work organised by The Event Team or HBF; or

(ii) contrary to any instructions or directions given by The Event Team or HBF; or

(c) your ability to act in a proper manner was, at the relevant time, significantly impaired by alcohol or drugs.

This release and indemnity continues indefinitely and binds each of your heirs, successors, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns.

12 You consent to receiving any medical treatment that HBF, The Event Team or their authorised representatives consider appropriate during or after the Event and other times related to Your volunteering activities.

13 You acknowledge that You have sole responsibility for your personal possessions prior to, during and after the Event and other times related to Your volunteering activities.

14 You give permission, for no fee or remuneration, for the use of your name, statements, voice or picture in any form of media in any context relating to the Event or otherwise during or after the Event including promotion of the 2026 event.

15 You accept that HBF reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time up to and including the date of the Event. Variations will be posted on the Event website and You accept it is your responsibility to check for any updates.

16 These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Western Australia.

17 If a provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision must be read down as narrowly as necessary to allow it to be valid or enforceable. If it is not possible to read down a provision (in whole or in part), that provision (or that part of that provision) is severed from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remainder of that provision or the other provisions in these Terms and Conditions.


HBF, The Event Team (WA) Pty Ltd (ACN 628 165 435) (The Event Team) and Race Roster Oceania Pty Ltd (ACN 140 513 800) (Race Roster) respect and value the privacy of all information collected about Event participants. 

All information collected about You is for the administration and conduct of the Event. Provided you do not opt-out of receiving marketing, your details will be used for marketing purposes as detailed below. Your personal information will be used and disclosed by Race Roster to HBF, The Event Team in connection with the management of the Event. 

Your Personal Information collected will be securely stored on the Race Roster database and will be disclosed to The Event Team (for the purpose of organising and conducting the Event) and, in the event of an emergency, to medical staff (for the purpose of delivering medical services). 

HBF may use your personal information to keep You informed of future HBF Run for a Reason events. If you do not wish to be contacted for this purpose, you can opt out of marketing by emailing enquiry@hbfrun.com.au, calling HBF on 08 6333 0330, or select the option to unsubscribe in any emails that may be sent to You. Please allow five working days for your request to be actioned.   

HBF sometimes uses service providers who either host or store personal information overseas. This means HBF may transfer personal information about You between countries to those service providers. In the event HBF discloses your personal information outside Australia, we will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) that relate to transborder data flows.

If You do not wish to provide some or all of the personal information required, You may not be able to be properly registered to volunteer for the Event or contacted in case of changes to the Event. 

You have a right to access your personal information, which is held by HBF, Race Roster or The Event Team. 

More information about the way each of HBF, Race Roster and The Event Team handles personal information is detailed in their privacy policies, which are available at hbf.com.au, Privacy policy - Race Roster — Race Roster and theeventteam.com.au, or on request by calling HBF on 08 6333 0330.