2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms and Conditions for Participants

  1. In these Terms and Conditions:
    1. “You” means the person named in the online entry system for the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Event (Event) as an event participant. Where You are under 18 years of age, where relevant, You also refers to the parent or guardian who clicked the “I have read, understand and agree to the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms & Conditions for Participants on behalf of my child” button; and
    2. “HBF” means HBF Health Limited (ACN 126 884 786).
    3. “HBF Member” means a person and any dependants who hold an insurance product issued by HBF.
  2. By clicking the “I have read, understand and agree to the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms & Conditions for Participants” button, You warrant and represent to HBF that:
    1. You satisfy the eligibility to participate requirements provided in paragraph 3;
    2. You have read, understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions; and
    3. You acknowledge and agree that if You are accepted to participate in the Event, You must comply with these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Eligibility to participate:
    1. If You are under 18 years of age on the date of the Event, a parent or guardian must accept the Terms and Conditions on behalf of the minor participant by clicking the “I have read, understand and agree to the 2025 HBF Run for a Reason Terms & Conditions for Participants on behalf of my child” button. Where the button is not clicked, You warrant that You are 18 years of age or older on the day of the Event.
    2. You must be 16 years of age or older on the day of the Event to participate in the half marathon/21km distance.
  4. You accept that subject to any statutory rights of refund, if the Event takes place and is not cancelled by HBF, the entry fee is non-refundable for any reason including any change in your circumstances. Your registration can only be transferred through your Race Roster account and paying the applicable transfer fee (subject to availability). You may change your registration online to another distance (unless the distance has reached capacity), provided you pay the transfer fee and any price increase difference in the amount between your new distance and your entered distance. If downgrading your race distance, refunds will not be given for the difference in entry fees. Any registrations transferred after 28th April 2025 11:59pm require the bib to be collected at Pack collection. Any person found to be participating in the Event under the name of another person will be disqualified and no time recorded.
  5. To the extent permitted by law, You release HBF, and each of its representatives, officers, agents, affiliates, employees, members, promoters and any other person, entity or body directly or indirectly associated with the Event (the Indemnified Persons) from all or any liability, claims, demands, proceedings, action, suit, damage, penalty, cost or expense however arising including but not limited to negligence (Claims) that You have or may have had but for this release, arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Event, and You indemnify the Indemnified Persons and will keep the Indemnified Persons indemnified in respect of any Claims by any person including another participant in the Event arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Event. This release and indemnity continues indefinitely and binds each of your heirs, successors, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns.
  6. You are participating in the Event at your own risk and:
    1. You acknowledge that participating in the Event may involve a real risk of physical or mental injury (including aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury) or death from various causes including but not limited to overexertion, heart attack, dehydration, or accidents; and
    2. You are responsible for ensuring that You are adequately and appropriately prepared both physically and mentally to compete safely in the distance You have chosen to compete in at the Event. If You have any health issues or doubts prior to the Event, You should immediately seek appropriate medical advice.
  7. You consent to receiving any medical treatment that the Event organisers (HBF and The Event Team) or their authorised representatives consider appropriate during or after the Event.
  8. You acknowledge and accept that at all times while participating in the Event, You must wear the Event bib (containing your participant number) which HBF issues to You prior to the Event, and that a failure to do so, may result in the Event organiser directing You to cease your participation in the Event.
  9. You are responsible for ensuring that You are wearing the correct participant number whilst competing in the Event, and that You are otherwise wearing footwear and clothing which is appropriate for the Event.
  10. You are required to comply with any government directives relating to the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 or other infectious diseases.If you are unwell, you are encouraged not to participate.
  11. You are responsible for any travel and medical insurance and for payment and/or reimbursement of medical or surgical expenses incurred by You as a result of your participation in the Event.
  12. You acknowledge that You have sole responsibility for your personal possessions and athletic equipment prior to, during and after the Event and related activities.
  13. You acknowledge that the maximum number of participants has been limited to 40,000.  Entry forms will be accepted up to the entry limit in the order of date received.  Entries will be rejected after the closing date or earlier should the entry limit be reached for any distances before that date. 
  14. Eligibility for pricing based on a participant’s age is determined by reference to age on the Event date. Persons under 16 years of age on the Event date are eligible for child prices.
  15. All HBF Members are eligible for a 20% discount on the Event registration fee. The discount applies to Early Bird pricing and normal pricing. The discount applies only to the Event registration fee and does not apply to Hospitality Packages or any other add-ons available for purchase by participants either during or after registration. HBF Members cannot register on behalf of non-HBF Member friends, family, or team members to apply the discount to them.
  16. Unless extended or varied by HBF in writing:
    1. Early bird pricing (subject to meeting eligibility criteria) is available during the period from 9.00am (Perth Time) on 4 February 2025 – 11.59pm on 3 March 2025;
    2. Normal pricing applies from 12.00am (Perth Time) on 4 March 2025.


  17. You give permission, for no fee or remuneration, for the use of your name, statements, voice or picture in any form of media in any context relating to the Event or otherwise during or after the Event for up to 12 months including use for the 2026 HBF Run for a Reason event.
  18. If your application to participate in the Event is accepted, You will be permitted to participate in the Event on the condition that You comply with the Terms and Conditions and any reasonable direction issued by the Event organisers or their representatives.
  19. You acknowledge that the Event distances are estimates only and may be less than or greater than 3, 12 or 21kms.Event routes and distances may be subject to change at the direction of government authorities.
  20. You accept that HBF reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time up to and including the date of the Event. Variations will be posted on the Event website, and You accept it is your responsibility to check for any updates.
  21. You accept that HBF reserves the right to cancel or vary the Event and refuse a participant’s attendance at and/or participation in the Event for any reason.
  22. To the maximum extent permitted by law, unless expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions, all implied terms, conditions, warranties and any other additional obligations are excluded from these Terms and Conditions. If any legislation implies into these Terms and Conditions any term, condition, warranty or additional obligation that cannot be lawfully excluded, then that term, condition, warranty or additional obligation will be included in these Terms and Conditions only to the extent required by the relevant legislation, but each party’s liability in respect of any breach of that term, condition, warranty or additional obligation will be limited to the maximum extent (if any) permitted by that legislation.
  23. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Western Australia.
  24. If a provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision must be read down as narrowly as necessary to allow it to be valid or enforceable. If it is not possible to read down a provision (in whole or in part), that provision (or that part of that provision) is severed from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remainder of that provision or the other provisions in these Terms and Conditions.
  25. You acknowledge that participant T-shirts are provided while stocks last and that You will not be entitled to a refund or credit of entry fees if stock or specific sizes have been exhausted.
  26. HBF will receive a commission if You make a purchase from Marathon Photos, or purchase a MiTIME personalised medal hanger with respect to the Event.


HBF, Race Roster Oceania Pty Ltd (ACN 140 513 800) (Race Roster), The Event Team (WA) Pty Ltd (ACN 628 165 435) (The Event Team), Grassrootz Company Pty Ltd (ACN 610 840 376) (Grassrootz), BlueChip Timing Pty Ltd (ACN 115 314 013) (BlueChip Timing), Loop Global Pty Ltd (ACN 622 044 464) (Loop Upcycling), Marathon Photos a wholly owned subsidiary of Global-pix.com Ltd (NZCN 136696) (Marathon Photos) and MiTIME Group Pty Ltd (ACN 631 615 846) (MiTime) respect and value the privacy of all information collected about Event participants.  Your personal information will be used and disclosed by Race Roster to HBF, The Event Team, BlueChip Timing, Marathon Photos and as required with Grassrootz, Ship Station, MiTime and Loop Upcycling in connection with the management of the Event. 

All information collected about You is for the administration and conduct of the Event. By entering HBF Run for a Reason, you have opted in to receive marketing from HBF. HBF may use your personal information to conduct market research relevant to HBF’s business and to keep You informed of HBF’s other health and wellbeing initiatives and promotions including future HBF Run for a Reason events. If you do not wish to be contacted for some or all of these purposes, you can opt out of marketing by emailing enquiry@hbfrun.com.au, or select the option to unsubscribe in any emails or SMS/MMS messages that may be sent to You. Please allow five working days for your request to be actioned.   

Your Personal Information collected will be securely stored on the Race Roster database and will be disclosed to HBF and The Event Team (for the purpose of organising and conducting the Event) and, in the event of an emergency, to medical staff (for the purpose of delivering medical services). 

The Event will be timed by BlueChip Timing and times of all participants will be displayed at bluechipresults.com.au and marathonphotos.live. All Event times on the website will be available to the public by entering specific search criteria including participant number, first name or last name. If you do not consent to your photograph being published at marathonphotos.live or your timing being made available on bluechipresults.com.au please email enquiries@hbfrun.com.au.

The Event will be photographed by Marathon Photos and photographs available to be viewed and ordered from their website marathonphotos.live. Photographs will be displayed on marathonphotos.live by entering specific search criteria including participant number, first name or last name. If you do not consent to your photograph being published at marathonphotos.live please email enquiry@hbfrun.com.au.

Where You have chosen to make a donation during the registration process to an official charity partner, You consent to your personal information being passed on to Grassrootz. HBF Run for a Reason fundraising is facilitated by Grassrootz. HBF do not access, use or take responsibility for the collection or distribution of that data. GrassRootz will also share access to information with the charity you choose to donate to, so that the charity can provide you with proof of your donation for your record keeping and tax deduction purposes. The charity via Grassrootz may use your information for marketing purposes, please refer to Grassrootz privacy policy at grassrootz.com/privacy-policy for more information.

If You have opted for postage for your participant pack, your address details will be provided to Ship Station which connects with Australia Post to ensure your participant pack is posted to you. The physical address label from Australia Post is provided to Loop Upcycling who organise the packing of the participant shirt and bib.

If You have purchased a MiTime personalised medal hanger, your personal details including name, race time result, postal address, bib number and email address may be shared with MiTime for the purposes of personalising the medal hanger and sending You the item.

HBF sometimes uses service providers who either host or store personal information overseas. This means HBF may transfer personal information about You between countries to those service providers. In the event HBF discloses your personal information outside Australia, we will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) that relate to transborder data flows.

If You do not wish to provide some or all of the personal information required, You may not be able to be properly registered for the Event or contacted in case of changes to the Event. 

You have a right to access your personal information, which is held by HBF, Race Roster or The Event Team.

More information about the way each of HBF, Race Roster and The Event Team handles personal information is detailed in their privacy policies, which are available at hbf.com.au, Race Roster and theeventteam.com.au, or The Event Team office on 08 6333 0330.

More information about the way Grassrootz, BlueChip Timing, Loop Upcycling, MiTime, Ship Station and Marathon Photos handles personal information or how to access it, is detailed in their privacy policies, which are available at grassrootz.com.au,  bluechiptiming.com.au, loop.org.au, auctane.com, marathonphotos.live and mitime.co